While this is our last official week to memory Psalm 121 together, I pray that you will continue to dwell with God in these words for a long time to come.
This final verse is a fitting conclusion:
“The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in
from this time forth and forevermore.”
Psalm 121:8 (ESV)
The Lord is with us in our daily details, our goings out and comings in. He cares about our trips to the grocery store, He goes with us to our jobs, He settles us in when we arrive home at the end of the day.
He “keeps” (guards, attends to) us with Him at all times.
May this truth settle in your soul this week, that you are never alone, that you are always kept, always loved.
Thank you for journeying with us through this Psalm. How has the Lord shown Himself to you through Psalm 121 these past 6 weeks?
Please leave a comment here or visit our Hide His Word Facebook group to continue the conversation.
Memorizing Psalm 121 has certainly been beneficial for me. I think the fact that the Psalmist continually reinforces the fact that God is our Keeper, our Protector, our Guard has been such a great reminder to me of exactly Who God is…in my every day life.
This point in a Scripture Memorization Challenge is always a bit sad for me. There is unity in learning together here at Do Not Depart. I look forward to our next challenge!
I’m glad to hear this has been a beneficial chapter for you, too, Dianna. I so appreciate reading your own words each week at your blog. They have blessed us all. Yes, the main truth of this chapter has been so relevant to me too these past few weeks and hopefully I’ll retain the words for a long time to come! God is faithful to “keep” not only us, but also our family members and friends, too. That has helped me in this season when I start to worry about events in my kids’ lives, etc.
I’m glad you’re already looking ahead to the next challenge! So am I. :)