“Trespasses” here means literally “falling to one side” (Greek word paraptoma).
Has anyone fallen on you lately? And hurt your feelings or wounded your relationship? How hard or easy has it been to pull out from under it, and love the person anyway?
Or perhaps you’re struggling to forgive yourself for yet another fall of your own.
We all fall off our chosen paths quite frequently, yet God awaits us with open arms each time we return back to Him.
As we read and memorize Matthew 6:14-15 this week, may we each be helped to forgive others and ourselves more easily as we remember how the Father forgives us.
Lisa, the truth of these verses have hit home with me in a very practical way. Since the first part of January God has been dealing with me concerning forgiveness with two specific people in mind. I was humbled when He showed me just how deeply the roots of bitterness had taken hold of my life. Confessing that sin and feeling His redemptive power was only the beginning. Through different avenues, either preaching, reading, His Word, etc., I realized that praying for these two individuals was His chosen path for me. It sounds easy enough, but it wasn’t…at first. It took me several times of praying to get past the , “Lord, help ————-to see how they are hurting me.” But He was patient with me and somewhere along the way I began praying for the Lord to bless them and to encourage their hearts. God’s power, as mighty as it is, can sometimes also move in such quiet ways. It was me He was changing all along. Over the last two weeks I have had occasion to be in close personal contact with both people concerned and was blessed to find no tension or spitefulness whatsoever…and best of all, no bitterness! Forgiveness…to God be the glory for the great things HE has done. xx
What a beautiful testimony of God’s grace, Dianna. I love how He has used the truth of these verses to create such a healing power in your life for these two individuals. I know you must feel released from a burden, but I also trust that these people (even if they haven’t been aware of your struggle, I don’t know) must also feel a shift in the atmosphere. You’re such a wonderful example of how to live out God’s truths, not just read or memorize them. Much love to you, Dianna!
Lisa, thank you for your words of kindness here. I just wanted to mention that at one point recently I had the opportunity to speak with one of these individuals on the phone. When we went to hang up the person said to me, “It’s been good talking with you.” So, yes, I am certain that they realize the shift in the atmosphere. :) God is good, yes? xx
Yes, God is definitely good. I love hearing this follow-up that the person DID feel your love. No surprises there. :) Thanks for sharing this, Dianna. Blessings to you, friend!