Does anyone remember this children’s song?
“He’s still working on me,
To make me who I need to be,
It took Him just a week to make the moon and stars,
The sun and planets and Jupiter and Mars
How loving and patient He must be,
‘Cause He’s still working on me.”
That’s a simple, honest song about God’s sweet grace, isn’t it?
In its simplest definition, grace is defined as the undeserved favor of God.
Grace is that God is never finished working on us. It’s only by grace that He doesn’t wring His hands in despair and say in exasperation, “I just give up on this one! There’s way too much work involved here!” Grace is given when we stumble, fall, and fail. Grace is what we see when we look around us at all the rich beauty and deep love that God has given us, when we know we don’t deserve one single lick of it. And it’s by God’s grace that He sent His own Son to take the ultimate punishment for our sin, and to rise again to conquer it, assuring us forgiveness and a spot in Heaven if we believe in Him.
It’s very humbling to know that God loves us so much He’d want to bless us in our most undeserving state. And it’s freeing to know that even when we mess up, God loves us, forgives us, strengthens us, and blesses us.
God’s grace does numerous things for His children. First, when we see how sweet the grace of God is, and how marvelous He is as the giver, grace results in praise (Psa 40:5). Because we are favored and loved even when we don’t deserve it, grace encourages us to dust ourselves off and keep going when we fall or when life gets hard (Phil 3:14). That same grace draws us closer to God as we learn more about our sinfulness contrasted against His holy sovereignty, and prompts us to grow to look a little more like Him (2 Cor 3:18). And also, God’s grace frees us from the power of condemnation (including self-condemnation). (See Psa 19:12,13, and 1 John 3:19-24)
So, if you’re feeling especially blessed by God’s grace today, or feeling burdened and need to be reminded of God’s gentle graces, I have a little something for you. As Patti said in the introductory post this month,”We want to encourage you to abide in God’s Word every day, especially on your busy days. Especially on the days when you are struggling.” So, I’ve made a printable bookmark for you with a collection of verses about God’s grace. You can tuck it into your Bible. Each printable has two bookmarks, so share one with a friend, as you share the sweetness of God’s grace in your own life. Click here to download your bookmark about God’s Sweet Grace.
“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Phil 1:2)
May we all be filled with the sweet knowledge of His grace as our loving Father patiently continues working on us.
Thanks for gathering these beautiful scriptures on grace, Ali. It’s one of my very favorite topics. :) I just printed off copies of the bookmark, one for myself and some to share.
My pleasure, Lisa! Yes, God’s grace is such an amazing thing. It quite overwhelms me, really. We’re so blessed, aren’t we? So glad you like the bookmarks!
Love that you made bookmarks, Ali! I’m with Lisa – this is one of my very favorite topics.
I want to thank you this wonderful -Do Not Depart-website! It is an answer to my searching for a way to worship God and to have everything I need
in one place. Thank you for all of it! I’m so glad I found you!!