God Hears
When the Israelites pleaded for Samuel’s prayers for salvation from the Philistines, they witnessed God’s mighty hand in its active power (1 Samuel 7:3-14).
“He cried out to the Lord on Israel’s behalf, and the Lord answered him.” – 1 Samuel 7:9
The New Bible Commentary reveals the impact of this act:
“In reality it was probably only a minor victory, but it was enough to keep the Philistines out of Israelite territory for some considerable time, and it was the beginning of a period in which Philistine power declined, thanks to the hand of the LORD.” (p. 303, bold emphasis mine)
Later, Samuel placed that stone of help, called Ebenezer, to praise Him for His victory – no matter how small – and to remind the Israelites (and now us) of His deeds.
“Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, ‘Thus far the Lord has helped us.’” – 1 Samuel 7:12
Not Always A Whale-Sized Act
God is active in our lives, and God deserves our praise for His love in action. But not every act is as large as a tumbling Jerusalem wall or divine plans for an ark. The little acts God completes within our bigger battles can mean just as much.
Samuel set up this memorial Ebenezer stone for what seemed to be a relatively small “win” within the larger view of events. But just because an act is minor doesn’t mean it should lack praise.
Little Victories and Big Praise
In my family’s current circumstances, we’re fighting a huge medical battle against slim odds. But God’s “little” victories boost our morale and remind us He is ever present.
A fantastic nurse giving care. A small check surprising us to support our financial needs. Regular smiles from our boy in spite of suboptimal conditions. All these acts may seem minor, but we experience the fullness these feats emit.
God shows us a small victory when He places the right doctor in our path. He whispers He is here when He puts it on a friend’s heart to email a prayer. He declares His hand in our situation each month we “somehow” are able to pay our bills.
Each step along this incomplete journey is sprinkled with signs of how He has helped (and continues to help) us. And each verse we read, God reminds us we read evidence of a greater victory in the battle He has already won.
I witness these little victories again and again (and again), and it could only be by God that all these things work together and surface. All this good, no matter how big or small, all presents itself thanks to His hand.
Extol His name with me (Psalm 145:3-7); how have you seen His mighty acts in your life?
I always wondered what it meant when we sing “Here I raise my Ebenezer” in the hymn “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”. Never put two and two together before. As I am preparing to lead a team from our church on a mission trip to Alaska this summer, I have been blessed along the way these months as God shows me things as a leader that He’s doing “behind the scenes” that others cannot see. He has been faithful in leading me as I lead the others. He has opened doors of opportunity that just are amazing and I thank Him for every good thing He provides!
How awesome to see all those ways He’s leading you in preparation for your mission trip, Janet! Thank you for sharing a hint of one of your Ebenezer stories. I’ve prayed just now for your mission trip!
Love this Caroline- “But just because an act is minor doesn’t mean it should lack praise.” So true! Praying for you and your family!
Thanks so much for your support, Sandra! I forget sometimes to praise Him (or even notice) the little victories and blessings, so I’m thankful for this reminder myself!
Great explanation of Ebenezer,Caroline. And excellent examples that they don’t have to be “big” things by the world’s standards. Every good thing is a gift from God and He is worthy to be praised for them.
I’m praying for your family as you continue through this trial with your son. I can’t imagine how hard it is. May the Lord give you the strength you need.
Yes to everything you said, Lisa. And thank you so very much for your prayers.
It is so true that “The little acts God completes within our bigger battles can mean just as much.” In fact, it is in the details of my life that I feel He most often shows His presence. Thanks for sharing your heart on this, and I am continuing to pray for your family!
Yes, I can understand this, Patti: “In fact, it is in the details of my life that I feel He most often shows His presence.” When these details are cared for like they are, it’s so powerful and easier to see His active nature. Thank you so much for your prayers, Patti!