Seek the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near.
Isaiah 55:6
Remember playing hide-and-seek as a child?
If you were the hider, once you found your spot, you’d sit quietly, passively, doing nothing. But when you were the seeker, you’d actively set out to uncover who you were looking for.
As you meditate on Isaiah 55:6 this week, see yourself as the seeker.
While the Lord is definitely not hiding from you—He’s near and can be found!—He will reward your active participation in calling out for Him.
Today is where He is; this is the moment He’s in. Seek Him now; call upon Him here.
Suggestions for memorizing Isaiah 55:6:
- Look up “seek” and “call” in an English or Hebrew dictionary
- Use a concordance to find other scriptures with “seek” and “call“
- Display Isaiah 55:6 in several places around your house this week
- When you wake up and before you go to sleep, recite Isaiah 55:6 to the Lord
- Once a day recite Isaiah 55:1-5, working extra on verses that are difficult
- Practice using Scripture Typer
- Actually do it–seek the Lord and call upon Him!
- Practice using first letters:
S t L w h m b f; c u h w h i n.
More information here on memorizing Isaiah 55. Download free resources here.
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In what ways can you actively seek the Lord? Are there times/places you more easily find Him? Please share below in the comments and/or on our Facebook Hide His Word page.
Here’s what we’ve been saying about scripture memory and Isaiah 55:6 in our Facebook group this week. What would you add?
Many love this verse (and also that it’s easier to learn!). Jody added: “Yes, Lord! I call on you.”
Continue to review Isaiah 55:1-5.
While memorizing, play soft worship music in the background. (Manoj)
Learn while moving. Practice verses while riding a stationery bike. (Jody)
Type the whole chapter on 5×8 card and picture all the verses together, highlighting difficult areas. (Dan)
Review the first word of each verse to keep the flow straight. (Lisa)
4 reasons and 6 tips for memorizing scripture from Amanda. She includes: to fight temptation; to share faith; post on sticky notes; use as lock screen on iPhone.