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Plan A:
James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion: Greetings.
James 1:1
Plan B:
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,
James 1:2
The author James could have introduced himself this way: “Hey everybody. I am the half-brother of Jesus himself! So listen up!”
But no. He simply says, “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
As you begin memorizing James 1 this week, reflect on the humility of James. Are we as humble in introducing ourselves to others? What kind of impression do we hope to make?
Thank you for reminding us that our greatest calling is to be your servant. May we share our message with others through humility.
We often overlook these opening verses, but what value can we gain from James’ beginning? Please share in the comments.
Lisa, thank you so much for the beautiful computer background! I, too, have been thinking on the humility of James. He could have been quite puffed up because of being Jesus’ half brother, yet he left us the needful example of humility. Jesus is my brother now, too…all the more reason to introduce myself to others in humility.
The humility of James can stop us dead in our tracks when we really think about it. We get puffed up with our pride and “who we are”, but being known as a servant of Jesus is a high honor. Thank you, Dianna, for your consistent encouragement and the way you add to our Do Not Depart group!