While what you do outwardly (bible reading, bible study, prayer, scripture memorization and so on) does not necessarily reflect your inward spiritual journey, the choices you make regarding spiritual disciplines can have a profound impact on your relationship with the Lord. As you know Him better, you can better understand His will for your life (Romans 12:2,) and grow in understanding of the incredible love He has for you (Ephesians 3:14-19.)
I have learned over the years that having a plan makes a difference. If I know that when I wake up each morning I am going to start a load of laundry, I don’t really have to think about it. I just do it. It becomes a habit that makes a positive impact on the rest of my home life.
Pursuing God is obviously much more important than having clean laundry! Making and implementing a daily plan for spending time with Him, for growing in knowledge of and relationship with Him, will have an eternal impact.
This month we will be sharing resources to help you plan to abide with God and in His Word in 2016. Make a commitment to continue grow in Christ this year!
How do you desire to grow with God this year? How can we help you plan?
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