I don’t know how to rest.
I know it seems a bit ridiculous, but it’s the truth. I’m a type-A, get things done, task-oriented person. Sitting still is hard for me.
So when I read verses like Matthew 11:28 or Psalm 23 or when I hear a sermon about Mary and Martha, the Lord often convicts me of my always-on-the-go attitude.
He reminds me it’s not always a good thing to get things done.
Sometimes, it’s better to do nothing than to do it all.
Sometimes, the one thing that’s necessary is to stop doing…and start being.
With the back-to-school season upon us, resting can be even more difficult than usual. Whether you homeschool your kiddos or send them to private or public school, there’s no doubt about it. Life gets more hectic when school is in session.
Here are a few tips that have helped me slow down in this busy season. (And hopefully, they’ll help you too!)
Ways to Find Rest in a Busy Season:
1. Pick one day a week to rest.
Follow the Lord’s example and rest from your work.
I have found that the best way to do this is to keep my phone and my computer out of reach. If I’m online, I’ll likely get sucked into work. But if my phone and computer are off, I’m a lot more likely to do what I set out to do: rest.
The emails will still be there when you return. So will the to-do lists.
Let them sit while you take care of what matters most.
2. Build small moments of rest into each day.
Take five minutes each morning to sit with your Creator. Allow him to recharge your batteries. Soak up his peace.
Five minutes isn’t a long time…but in the Lord’s hands, it can make a huge difference.
3. Use your vacation days.
So many people allow their vacation days to pass them by. They don’t take them because they feel like they can’t be away from work for that long…or because they don’t have the money to go anywhere…or because they don’t plan for it.
If your workplace provides vacation days, use them! You don’t have to actually go anywhere. You could use them and stay home.
4. Just say no!
Because sometimes, saying no to something good is saying yes to something greater.
5. Don’t think of rest as doing nothing.
Rest doesn’t have to mean you sit there and do nothing (although this can be very refreshing at times).
Rest can mean going on a walk with your family. It can mean digging into your favorite book. It can mean coffee with a friend. It can mean a movie with your husband. It can mean painting, writing, walking, music, or anything else that refreshes your spirit.
Rest might be harder to find in the busy seasons, but it’s not out of reach. Use these tips-and the free printable below-to help you find it.
Print it off and hang it on your fridge or wall. Stick it in your Bible. Leave it on your desk to see when you’re tempted to work instead of rest. Use it however you wish!
Rest In Him – Key Bible Verses about Rest
Are there any other tips that help you rest in busy seasons? Please share them in the comments!
Thank you, Lindsey, for the five tips plus the printout of the verses on rest.
My pleasure! I hope it’s helpful:)