Admin note: We’d like to welcome Lindsey Bell to our writing team! Lindsey is a wife, awesome mom of two, and great writer with her first book coming out in less than two weeks! Meet Lindsey and her writing below.
Something happens when Jesus gets ahold of your heart.
We’ve been talking all month about how God changes us…how he makes us into new creations…how he molds our lives through his Word and His Son.
This could not be more evident than in the life of John.
John, whom Jesus called a Son of Thunder, became the disciple of love.
John, the disciple who asked Jesus for permission to call down fire on a Samaritan village (Luke 9), transformed into the man who later said these words: “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God” (1 John 4:7).
Anger to forgiveness. Judgment to love. Son of Thunder to Disciple of Love.So what happened that caused John to change?
As I look at the New Testament, I think the thing that happened was this: Jesus got ahold of John’s heart.
John watched as Jesus gave his life for the sins of the world (John 3:16-17).
He listened as Jesus taught the sermon on the mount (Matthew 5).
He saw Jesus forgive the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11).
John witnessed the sinful woman pour perfume on Jesus’ feet…and then saw Jesus love this woman-this woman that everyone else refused to even look at.
When others would have avoided a person, Jesus reached out his hands and touched them. When others would have thrown stones, Jesus forgave. When others would have judged, Jesus loved.
And that’s what made all the difference for John.
I’ve learned it’s also what makes the difference for us. When Jesus gets ahold of our hearts, He changes us too.
Where once there was a heart of anger, He gives us forgiveness.
Where once there was a tendency to judge, He gives understanding and grace.
Where once there was brokenness, He gives healing.
I don’t know where you’re at today…if there’s anger eating away at your heart or pain that never seems to go away or unforgiveness threatening to destroy you…but I do know this:
If you’re willing to give these things to Jesus..and let Him get ahold of this area of your heart…something amazing is bound to happen.
Something always happens when Jesus gets ahold of your heart.
What’s a story of what changed when Jesus got a hold of your heart?
This touches me, Lindsey. John watched Jesus and couldn’t help but be changed by what he saw. We can do the same today as we look for Jesus at work in lives all around us. So thankful that Jesus still captures hearts.
Me too, Lisa. It is amazing how much Jesus can change when we give him the chance!
I am thrilled to be joining the team! I love Do Not Depart!
We are so glad you to have you on the team, Lindsey! How can we ever get tired of the stories of encountering Jesus and his great love?
He turns so many things just upside down in such beautiful ways, doesn’t He, Lindsey? Thanks for sharing!