It may be the season I am in (I turn 47 tomorrow,) or just the ebb and flow of life, but right now I know many people who are suffering. Cancer, job loss, mental illness, house fire, miscarriage, marriages breaking down… the list goes on and on.
Every person who came to mind as I wrote that list is a strong Christian. These are people who love the Lord, and earnestly try to walk in obedience to Him by living lives of loving service. Why are they suffering? Where is God in their trials?
It does not take much bible knowledge to understand that being a believer does not give you a “Get Out of Trouble Free” card. In fact, on more than one occasion, Jesus said that we will definitely have trouble on this side of heaven.
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. John 16:33
God is our loving Father; He wants the very best for us. He uses the sufferings in our lives to refine us, and grow us to be more like Himself.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
We can be confident that God’s will is to work every aspect of our lives for good, and for His glory.
But sometimes when we walk the road of suffering, God can feel distant. Where is God in the middle of our trials? Where is He when we grieve, when we fear the future, when we don’t know how we will survive through the next day?
This month we will be tackling this challenging topic. What does God’s Word say about suffering? We invite you to walk with us as we dig deeply into scripture and apply it to our most trying times.
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