In depth study of the Word of God is priceless, and something most of our readers at Do Not Depart aspire to. But let’s face it, exhausted mamas are not always in a season when extended study is possible.
Have you been trying to have an early morning quiet time, only to be wakened by the baby? Does your life seem like an exercise in crisis management? If the mere thought of planning a regular bible study leaves you feeling defeated, take heart!
You too can abide in the Word every single day. You just have to be creative!
10 simple ways to stay in the Word
1) Be flexible
“Quiet” time doesn’t have to be in the morning, doesn’t have to be a set amount of time, and doesn’t have to be quiet! You may find that you can get 5 minutes of bible reading done at 3:12 in the afternoon while the baby is banging a spoon on the floor and practicing her vowels. Change your expectations.
2) Music
Play scripture-based music you love. From old hymns to contemporary Christian tunes, a large portion of Christian music is based on the Word of God. Dance to it with your kids!
3) Scripture calendar
For years I have kept a page-a-day calendar of scripture on the windowsill in front of my kitchen sink. Every day I have a new scripture to ponder during the hours I spend standing there.
4) Simple scripture-based devotionals
Buy a scripture based devotional, with an entry for each day of the year. Keep it somewhere you will see it (that might even be the bathroom!) Or subscribe to an email devotional.
5) Make bible reading part of your family’s day
Read your bible aloud to your children (yes, an adult version) while they draw or do other quiet activities that keep their hands busy. This is best done after they have had an active play time and are able to settle down to something quiet for a while.
6) Decorate with scripture
Pick a scripture that addresses something you are struggling with, or something you find especially encouraging (a concordance is helpful for this). Print it out and post it around the house, or even in your car!
7) Take a bible when you lie down or nurse
Many mothers spend hours nursing every day. Others lie down with their children at nap time. I read through the whole bible while nursing one of my babies. It’s pretty reliable quiet time – babies won’t let you forget! And don’t worry if you fall asleep. It will happen!
8) Use your smartphone
One mom told me that using a bible app helps her be flexible: “I can sit down and read it when I nurse the baby or at night in the dark. It doesn’t require me turning on a light and disturbing my hubby or my cosleeping baby.” There are many great apps for the iPhone and Android.
9) Listen to an audio bible
Audio bibles are wonderful tools for busy mamas! Play them in your car. Play them while washing the dishes. Play them while taking a walk.
10) Have a place or a signal when it all gets too much
Some days it just gets too much. Some days you might look at those precious little sinners living in your house and wonder how you are going to survive training them up in the way they should go. When you find yourself deeply overwhelmed, this is a moment to retreat to a hidden spot… maybe a closet, maybe your bathroom… and take 5 minutes to pray and read your bible. Or take a page from Susannah Wesley and pull an apron over your head right there in the midst of the chaos!
No matter how you do it, remember this: any time in God’s Word is better than none at all!
How do you abide in the Word when life gets busy and exhausting? Add to the list in the comments below!
This is great Patti! Especially since my hubby is out-of-town and I missed my “formal” quiet time this morning. I was able to read a section of Scripture from an email I received…a subscription to a blog our church started. Two years ago we read thru the NT, last year the old testament, this year we r reading selections from gospels and prophets. Thanks for all the great “outside the box” ways to connect with God in the chaos!
These are such wonderful, creative, and doable ideas! Thank you!
So good, Patti.
Love the app for the phone idea! I’ll try that one. :)
Thank you Patti for this wonderful post!
Great tips here, Patti. There’s more than one way to get in our time with the Word than sitting quietly alone for an hour each morning. You’ve captured them well!
I think these are such good, practical ideas. Just last year, I joined in and memorized Romans 8…..”decorating my house” with scripture was a huge help. It keeps me focused.
I love this post!! I love the picture you painted in #1 Be flexible. It does look like that sometimes around here. :p And then the Word fuels me and makes me smile.