Heather’s “Top 10 iPhone Apps for Spiritual Growth” post was great, but I am an Android user. (I did send it to all my iPhone-owning family members and friends who found the post useful though.)
So, below you will find some Droid apps that I have found to be helpful for my spiritual growth. (Some are the same as on iPhone, but links are to Android apps.)
Best Bible Study Apps
1. YouVersion Bible (FREE)
*Read/listen to the Bible with over 150 Bible versions and almost 200 Bible reading plans to help you read the Bible and track your progress.
*Easily search the Bible for either a reference or a keyword.
*Connect Twitter and Facebook accounts to easily share Bible verses.
*Bookmark your favorite Bible verses and sync them with YouVersion.com.
*Make public or private notes on your bible reading.
2. Daily Bible (FREE)
*Daily Bible Verse with daily notification
*Daily Bible Reading Plan
*Easy & Fast Search any Bible verse or topic: Easily search any verse of any topic.
*Daily Bible devotionals: Choose from a huge list of podcasts. Read or listen from devotions. Save a podcast and listen to it offline.
*Save or share Bible verse or plan or devotions easily on Facebook, Twitter, email, text etc.
3. Logos Bible Software (FREE)
*Thousands of books and tools for Bible study
*Easy to read, verse preview, footnotes, and easy navigation.
*Includes powerful study tools: Passage Guide, Text Comparison, and Bible Word Study.
*When you download the app you get access to all features and more than 30 resources. When you sign up for a free Logos account, you get access to an additional 30 resources as well as access to over 16,000 resources for sale from the Logos and Vyrso libraries.
4. MySword Bible (FREE)
*Multiple off-line Bibles, Commentaries and Dictionaries
*Bible version verse comparison
*Type your personal notes and insights
*Search (concordance) for Bible, Commentaries and Personal notes
*Dictionary, Commentary and Journal/Book picture support
*Paragraph or Verse mode for the Bible view
Scripture Memory Apps
5. RememberMe Bible Verses Memory (FREE)
*Listen to verses
*Study flashcards and play word puzzles
*Obfuscate a passage and fills in the gaps
*First letter and placeholder methods
*Line by line practice
*Daily reminders
*Flashcard widget for your home screen
*Numerous Bible translations
*More than 100 verses preloaded
6. Fighter Verses ($2.99)
*Over 520 verses included
*Add ANY VERSE using “My Verses” and optionally define topics for topical memory.
*SIX Bible translations – ESV, NIV, NASB, HCSB, KJV, LBLA
*Fill in the blank QUIZ
*SONGS to help you learn verses (ESV only)
*TOPICAL index for topical memory
*Configurable SCHEDULE for weekly memorization
*REMINDERS to memorize daily or weekly
Best Prayer Apps
7. Prayer Journal ($0.99)
*Keep a running list of topics that you are praying about
*Share entries or the entire journal with friends (email/text messaging)
*Set notifications to remind you to pray for the topic.
*Upload journal to Google Docs.
*When you feel you have reached an answer to your prayer topic(s), mark them as answered and keep them available for later viewing, to remind yourself of God’s goodness to you in those requests.
8. Prayers to Share (FREE)
*Share your prayers with people around the world
*Pray along with others
*Write out your prayers
*Keep track of those you pray for
*Share your prayers anonymously with others who can pray along on our Social Prayer Network
*…or just keep them private
*Receive inspiration from reading everyone’s prayers
Best Worship Apps
9. Pandora (FREE)
*Personalized radio streams music to your phone.
*Type in the name of a favorite artist, song, or composer and a station will be created to play their music and music like it.
*Here are some of the stations on my Pandora app:
Casting Crowns, Addison Road, Nichole Nordeman,
Chris Tomlin, Hillsong, and Brooke Fraser.
If you use Pandora, what stations do you have for your worship times?
10. 1000 Gifts (FREE)
*Quotes on awaking to the joy-filled power of grace and gratitude at your fingertips … to get you started
*Photo and video stream, texts, and voice recordings of your gifts … to keep you going
*A one-tap option to instantly share captured gifts to Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr … to keep friends and family inspired on their way to their one thousand gifts
Thanks Heather, for reminding me about this one!
11. And I have to sneak one more in here: KLOVE Positive & Encouraging (FREE). Commercial-free contemporary Christian music.
Which apps for spiritual growth would you add to the list?
Joyce is a business major turned PreK teacher turned stay-at-home mommy to 2 little girls (ages 5 and 2.5.) She likes to dabble in a little bit of everything, from writing newsletters (for our family and for MOPS) to crafting to trying out new recipes…basically just trying new things.
She loves God, family and friends, date nights, board games, books, and blogging. You can visit her over at Keeping Up with the Moys.
Love it! I have a Droid as well, and it is harder to find good suggestions! Thanks!
Try Bible Proverbs by GamePlanet2000 it is great!
Please check out Verse Box Scripture Memory android app and give a review. I believe this should be in your list as well.
Please check out new app -Orange Word-. Let me know what you think.
Thanks for collecting the list of Android apps for spiritual growth. I use YouVersion Bible daily and MySword for the weekly bible study I attend. Going to download and try out Logos Bible Software.
I’ve been working on a series of Android daily devotional apps and they are available for free on Google Play – https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Tap+Tap+Studio . Hope you can try out the apps. Would appreciate your feedback and review. Thanks.
I didn’t see any note taking apps, and in general I’ve had trouble finding note taking apps that fit my note taking style. I wrote an app called Sermon Notes that recognizes bible verses and turns them into links that can be opened in an online or offline bible reader.
Please take a look at it and let me know what you think, and also if you have any suggestions or other Christian note taking programs out there.
Take a look also at “Daily Bible Verse” https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adepture.dailybibleverse app on android. This app simply gives you a daily scripture that has direct and purposeful meaning within its own context.
They didn’t list Church caster for android! I love this app lets me listen to sermon podcast on my android.
I’d like to see Search the Scriptures as a bible reading plan on youversion.com – 12 months is to much a day for me.
I would not call K Love a Christian app, it sounds like a secular station, Christian rock? about christian tatoo parlor or christian srip joint or christian liquour store. Do Not conform to the world.
please do not limit the type of music that God can use… not everyone relates to the “old hymns” many are blessed by K Love. Just as there are different denominations, of which God is still God in those churches, not everyone is called to the same denomination. Yes, God can and does use Christian Rock and Christian Rap music. i personally don’t care for the style of Rap music, but i certainly would not rule it out as something God can use to bring people to him,
to refer to K Love ad a Christian Tattoo parlor or Liquor store or a strip joint is definitely showing that you do not believe that God can use anything HE so chooses for HIS glory, n maybe you need to check where your walk is leading you… and start allowing God to be the God of everything!
You should check out our selection of apps, which include Daily Devotionals, Daily Bible Verse, and Daily Scriptures – https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Insane+Dreamers
Bible Advice is about learning about different topics in the Bible. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Hinteq.bibleadvice&hl=en
Quick bible for me is the best offline bible :)
Have you tried Church Caster? Its a great way to listen to christian pod-casts when you don’t have a Iphone!
Here’s another devotional app that will make you sip your morning tea longer and will let you enjoy your “me-time” :D
It has all mantras, chalisas, shlokas available in both hindi and english. It also gives you so many custom-recorded bhajans and aartis. the excellence of this app doesn’t ends here, it also has the location of all hindu sacred places across the globe, that too with details! It has so much to offer that can not be explained in just a comment! So you must download this unique devotional app for eternal bliss!
You can download the app from these links
Android users – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.amritdhara
iphone & ipad users – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/amrit-dhara-vani/id437760753?mt=8&ls=1
You should check out these apps for Daily devotionals, scriptures, and verses in English and Spanish – https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=christian-apps
Here we let you know a new app for praying together: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pray4me.events&hl=en
Hope it helps people to feel less lonely in their prayers
Here’s a GREAT app for only
a one time fee of $1.99!!!
For your Apple / Android smartphone and tablets!
Who would’nt like an app with an audio bible, Christian radio, sermons, news, Christian cartoons for kids, music videos and more?
nobody talks about music? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=musicacristiana.cancionesgratis
Hi, i am just starting out developing apps.The first app i made is a bible box. Thought i should start developing apps with something divine.
I got it published via a friends account.It is really simple and basic but would be useful and is completely ad-free.(I don’t think i should monetize an app with such a divine purpose.)Please do support.
I know this is an older discussion but wanted to, share an app I found recently for for Droid – Abide. Love the music behind an audio devotional. :)
Dear brothers here you have the God’s word to download and read every day! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=king.james.bible.appfree God bless you!
These are Christian and religious. They should be filed under those categories, not spiritual. Christianity is not the same thing as spirituality.