“Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” – Genesis 2:1-3 (NIV)
Advent began two days ago, and though advent means “coming” and involves a waiting, a preparation, an anticipation, I associate it with a period of rest, too.
We need to prepare our hearts and our minds to renew to Him, focus on Christ’s birth, but there’s also only so much we can do. God has taken care of the rest. He has done the work of bringing Jesus to our earth and guiding His plan in motion.
Maybe rest is a part of preparing and part of the cycle God intends. He worked creating this world, and then He rested, too.
This month, as we’ve looked at being creative as our God is the Creator:
- Ali linked how we can see God’s character through His creation (and so with our own creativeness),
- Kelli brought up that God’s creation is everlasting and still alive today,
- Lisa illuminated the truth that every act we take can be an act of creation and a way to share God’s light,
- Lindsey shared how our differences as His creations (and therefore what and how we create) help bring beauty to God’s creation uniquely,
- I looked at truths about God as a Creator and how He gifted us with opportunities to be His hands and feet in creating love and goodness and truth,
- Patti studied our calling to care for God’s creation responsibly and use our own creative talents wisely.
We’ve read on God’s creation and now, as we enter the season of Advent, we can guide our focus to rest our weary hearts (and hopefully our minds) while we wait for and celebrate the coming of more of His creation.
Thank you for joining us this month.
How will you celebrate God’s creation this Christmas season, as well as partake in his rest?