You likely had a schedule for this week, a to-do list (if only in your mind) that you wanted to check off. How is it going so far?
We are lousy predictors of what’s next.
Five years ago (five months, five days), could you have predicted the events happening in our country today? In your church? Even in your family?
Unexpected > Expected
We can plan and prepare, but life is often more unexpected than expected. The unknown is out of our control. We don’t have the foresight or ability to stockpile enough resources in advance to prepare for every possible scenario.
We’re sometimes afraid to get our hopes up.
So how do we deal with this?
We place our hope in God’s future grace.
“Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.”
Proverbs 23:18
Gifts Ahead
Thankfully, God does know our future (Jeremiah 29:11). And because He is good, He has good plans in place for what’s next (Isaiah 46:4). Even when bad things happen alongside them.
The Lord goes before us and plants good gifts in our future. He has more than enough resources and power to line it up and give it to us at just the right time.
- The Gift of Today
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
Matthew 6:33-34
Once we believe in God’s provisions for tomorrow, we can better enjoy today. We can stay present, right here and now, knowing that God will handle our future. Does that mean we don’t plan for tomorrow? No. We still look ahead and prepare, but we don’t have to obsess about it and live in the future. We can live in the day.
- The Gift of Giving
“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”
Philippians 1:6
Once we trust that God will replenish our manna each day, we no longer have to hoard. We’re free to fully use today’s gifts today, knowing that tomorrow we’ll be given a fresh supply. Not wasting or misallocating our resources, but confidently using them in discerning ways. We are more free to meet others’ needs when we’re less consumed with getting our own needs met. Trust God to finish what He’s started in you.
- The Gift of Peace
“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:21-23
When we worry about the unknown, we produce anxiety not only for ourselves, but also for those around us. Isn’t it more restful instead to hope in God’s future provisions? He promises peace to those who rest in Him (Isaiah 26:3). Hoping in His future grace is a vehicle for us to receive that peace in our lives.
God at Every Turn
Each of our lives is a path. Like Billy’s path in Bil Keane’s Family Circle, it’s not a straight line. We can’t predict each step and twist along the way.

But what we can predict is this: God will show up at every turn.
We start at Point A. God is there. We unexpectedly go next to Point K. God has already been there, too, going before us, planting gifts along the roadside for us to pick up once we arrive. Maybe a new friend or a different job opportunity or a deeper spiritual insight.
These gifts of grace will help us get through the bad stuff, the hard stuff, and even the pleasant surprises.
We can’t know what each gift will be, or how it will be wrapped, or what time it will arrive. But we can know it will be good. It will be grace. It will be God.
Count on it. Get your hopes up. There are good gifts in your future.
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”
Psalm 23:6
What concerns you most about the future? What brings you peace about it? Please share in the comments.
Want to read more?
- A daily dose to overcome anxiety
- What if you believed all the good things are true?
- 3 words to silence worries
- Book: Future Grace by John Piper
What a great article, Lisa. Such good gifts, He gives. Expected. Unexpected. He’s so generous. So easy, sometimes, to get caught all up in the daily and miss these sweet gifts all around us…even the gift of today. Thanks for sharing, Lisa. ((hug))
Yes, he is so generous! And yes, it is easy sometimes to forget that in the midst of our daily busyness. Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts here–that is one of His sweet gifts to me. :)
Beautifully written and so encouraging! The Gift of Giving, and Peace, The Gift of Today – what a great reminder. It is so easy to get caught up in our daily lives and forget about God sometimes – for me it is at least. We serve a wonderful God who never changes.
Visiting from Holley Gerth link-up.
Thanks for your encouraging words, Bibi. Yes, the dailiness of our routines can often strip away thoughts of how much God is doing for us in both this moment and in the one yet to come. So grateful that He is more faithful than we are! :)
Your words, Lisa, are the absolutely perfect ones for me today…Thanks much <3
I’m glad, Sheila. I need reminders often myself that His gifts for us are always on time and always perfect. Blessings to you.
Thank you dear friend for your Spirit inspired words! Knowing God has already been to my future brings me great peace! Knowing He knows all and is so very good as you expressed brings me peace. The story of Joseph is my favorite reminder that I can not see what God is doing but can trust that He is working and loved me!
Joseph is a great example of this, Selwyn. God can see much further out than we can, and His plans for us are for our good and His glory. I also think of Esther and how God set her in a time and place for a future salvation of the Hebrew people. Thanks for sharing, my godly friend! I know God put you in my path both for my present and for my future good. Love you much.
Bless you, Lisa–just the very encouraging Word I need today. So many negatives beating us down of late. It seems that as things are coming to a head in our nation, so too in our personal lives. Currently, my husband and I are battling on more than one front and waiting on God to bring provision in each–wisdom, healing, financial, and an overabundance of His peace in the midst of the fray. Holding fast to Emmanuel–Our God With Us!
I’m glad this word speaks to you, Kathy. It’s what I need, too. Anxieties about the future creep in too easily. Praying for you and your husband to see victories in every battle you are waging! I know you will because God is on your side.
Trust God to finish what he started in you. – Yes, I love this! Sometimes it is hard to trust, BUT just keep trusting.
Exactly, Lori…just keep on trusting, one day at a time!
Gosh, the more we press into this, Lisa, the more rest and peace there is. Such a good word of encouragement today. Blessings!
Thanks, Kristi. Isn’t it a beautiful deal we get? :) I’m so grateful we’re blessed with a God of goodness and grace.
Wise and gentle reminder, Lisa.
I’m learning along the way that to revere or fear the things of this world that are ultimately in the hands of our sovereign Father, is a lot like idolatry; putting them ahead of Him. Fearing or revering them instead of Him and His perfect grace.
It’s a freeing and peaceful soul that can bask in that wisdom that comes from Him, but we all need a reminder. Thanks, sister.
You’re exactly right, Floyd—what we fear often reveals what we are idolizing. I was reminded of this once again today during our worship songs when I was thinking of my fears. “I’m no longer a slave to fear / I am a child of God.” When I focus more on revering God above all, the other fears become less and less.
Oh, I needed to hear this today Lisa! I’m a panicker and a worrier and your words reminded me God’s grace is sufficient for me today and tomorrow. God bless you sweet lady!
I’m such a worrier, too, Debbie, so I need to remember God’s present and future grace myself. He’s been faithful in the past; why wouldn’t He be in the future! Have a blessed week.
Dear Lisa
Thank you for this post. Quite a pep-talk, and full of gems — “fully use today’s gifts today”.
The future suddenly seems very daunting — all the usual things, but now I’m facing how I’ve ignored and turned away from them for so long. Peace of a fatalistic kind is brought by remembering thoughts like Matthew 6:27 (“which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?”). Your thoughts on gifts, and God’s love being renewed every day are more positive.
I will remember my gifts, and exercise them every day.
Sounds like you’re on the right track to me, David. The future can be daunting to me as well, just in general ways even when nothing specific is going “wrong”. So I need reminders like you mentioned (much of Matthew 6!) to focus on how fruitless my own worrying in and how powerful God’s grace is now and will be again when I get to future. Thanks for sharing your words here and for exercising your gifts.