Do you want to memorize scripture, but just don’t think you can do it?
Do you lack a community which brings encouragement to keep going?
Do you need help with knowing how to get started?
We have just the thing for you!
Hiding Romans 8 in My Heart

Here Are the Details
- Start date: Sunday, November 6th
- Finish date: March 31
- Pace of 2-3 verses a week, with a 2-week “life happens” buffer.
Week 1 November 6th-12th Romans 8:1-2
Week 2 November 13th-19th Romans 8:3-4
Week 3 November 20th-26th Romans 8:5-6
Week 4 November 27th-December 3rd Romans 8:7-9
Week 5 December 4th-10th Romans 8:10 -11
Week 6 December 11th-17th Romans 8:12-13
Week 7 December 18th-24th Romans 8:14-15
Week 8 December 25th-31st Romans 8:16-17
Week 9 January 1st-7th Romans 8:18-19
Week 10 January 8th-14th Romans 8:20-21
Week 11 January 15th-21st Romans 8:22-23
Week 12 January 22nd-28th Romans 8:24-25
Week 13 January 29th-February 4th Romans 8:26-27
Week 14 February 5th-11th Romans 8:28-29
Week 15 February 12th-18th Romans 8:30-31
Week 16 February 19th-25th Romans 8:32-33
Week 17 February 26th-March 3rd Romans 8:34-35
Week 18 March 4th-10th Romans 8:36-37
Week 19 March 11th-17th Romans 8:38-39
This is only a suggested pace. You can go whatever pace works for you. We will be using the ESV and we will be providing LOADS of resources for you (which are coming soon!)
Anyone can join, just leave a comment to let us know you’re in! If you are on Twitter or Facebook, you can help spread the word about the challenge through a tweet or update like this:
I’m on the journey to memorize Romans 8 with @DoNotDepart Join me? #HideHisWord
We are excited for all that is to come! Be sure to subscribe to Do Not Depart so you don’t miss out on any of the great resources coming soon!
UPDATE: Be sure to check out the RESOURCES PAGE.
I would love to do this. I actually read it through when I saw your last post so I like the pace you set. Sounds great!
Yay! So glad you will be joining in, Shonda!
I’m looking forward to this. Thanks so much!
I’m in!! Looking forward to it! Been quite awhile, sadly, since I tried to memorize Scripture …
I’m in! I am HORRIBLE at scripture memory. :) But I don’t want to be.
I am naturally horrible at it too! God will enable you through your obedience!
Not sure I understand all tht is being asked of me to write down. I use hotmail and facebook. A friend on Facebook encouraged me to look into this site. I would very much like to join in and take the challenge. Rom. 8 is one of my Dad’s favorite chapters. I h avejust recently started memorizing verses from one of his Gideon memory verse packets. Seems like this is the time that God is bringing me to do this. Thank you.
Hi Vicki, you don’t need to do anything else. The little blurb was just for anyone who wanted to help spread the word about the challenge.
Excited you are joining in!
Excited you joined in Vicki!! :)
I’m in! I tried Colossians in a year but crashed and burned by June, so hopefully this is doable.
Looking forward to what God is going to bring us through so much time in Romans 8!
Praying about joining you in this journey!
Selfishly hoping He leads you to it! :)
Planning on it and very excited. This is one of my favorite chapters of the bible!
Me, too!
I’m in!!!!
I’m so looking forward to this! I’ve wanted to memorize Romans 8 for a while now. Can’t wait!
I’m in!! Looking forward to see how God is going to reveal!
I’m in! :)
I’m in!!!! I am so looking forward to this as well.
I’m in. My church has been doing something like this all year but I have felt a little overwhelmed. I’m going to give it a try though.
I’m in!!! I like the pace…totally doable!!!
I am going to try it again. Since my surgery I have been having trouble with my memory. What a terrific way to rehab my brain. But try being the operative word. I really want to so this – but, well, NO I am going to do this!
Looking forward to it!
I’m in, too! I love Romans 8!
This is a great idea! I’m looking forward to this!
I don’t a blog or anything but I have been following you and have been truly blessed by this blog! I am very excited to be memorizing Romans 8 with you all!! :)
Thank you, Ty. Humbled He is using this little space on the web to bless you! Excited you are joining the challenge!!
Will def try this! I’ve been realizing that I need to learn more verses! This is a great idea! A thanks to Katie for posting so I could come across it :)
You are welcome, Amber! It will be so fun to do this alongside of you!!
I’m in!! This couldn’t have come at a more perfect moment… I was just thinking earlier today that I really need to get started *doing* scripture memorization instead of just thinking about it, but I didn’t even know where to begin. I popped on here, and that answered my question! I love how God works these things out. :)
Thank y’all so much for the precious work you do here on this blog – know that the self-sacrifice and pouring out have not gone to waste. God is using you guys to bless so many people (myself included), and glorify His name! You couldn’t ask for a more beautiful legacy than that. :)
You are welcome, Kimberly.
Thank *you* for your kind, encouragement!
Humbled He would use us!
First attempt at this and really looking forward to it! Thanks so much Katie:)
I can do this, I can do this, I can do this… God knows my heart. I’m looking forward to journeying together with this!
Ok, I am in! Nervous and hopeful and praying I can stick with it!
Hooray, I am in! I love this chapter and memorized bits of it here and there throughout my earlier mom years. Now to join in community adn put it all together.
Thanks for leading the way Katie!
I’m in! Love the pace you’ve set – seems very doable.
Count me in!!
I’m definitely in, although, I’m not absolutely sure that I can do the ESV, only because I have a few passages already memorized in the NIV (although, it might even be KJV from elementary school). BUT, I am SO in. THANK YOU!!! These last few weeks of being stuck in bed it has been SO amazing to have scriptures going through my mind as I wake, pray, sleep – ones that I memorized ages and ages ago. Very excited to join in!
Yay! Glad you will be joining us. You are welcome to memorize in any version you would like to!
I grew up on the NAS, so when I started memorizing more regularly, I was hesitant to go with the ESV (my Bible of choice now.) There have been passages that have overlapped, and I haven’t found it much of a problem.
You know your brain best, and what works for you! Glad you are joining us either way!
I’m in! I have parts memorized, so it will be good for me to get it all put together in my head…
So excited about thid. Love Romans 8 and 9
I’m in! I’ll see if my husband wants to do it with me too. :}
Yeah! I’m glad you are doing it too Lynne! We can quiz each other on FB! xoxo
I’m in. I homeschool my 12 year old son and we will be doing it together.
What a fun adventure to do together!
Looking forward to starting
I’m looking forward to the challenge!
I am in. Nervous but in. Thank you.
Yes, I’ve decided I’m in!
Aubrey! Woohoo!
I’m in!
Sounds good. Thank you!
I am in! So excited about this!!!
I’m in!!
Jumping in with both feet!
I’m in!!
Katie (and Lara),
I can’t tell you how much I am loving “Savoring Living Water”. Ah! I feel like we are all kindred sisters. And I guess we are. Thank you so much for writing such a clear, concise guide to building a relationship with our Father. WONDERFUL! I would like to put a button for it in my sidebar. May I?
I will be delighted to join you in memorizing Romans 8. I love the idea of planning for the week ahead on Sunday. Getting all of the index cards written and placed, etc. That pro-active step will really help me, I’m just sure of it!
Thank you, my new friends, for inviting me into your lives. I am so so thrilled.
With love,
Laura, I am so glad you are enjoying Savoring Living Water! Thank you for taking the time to read it! Of course you can put our button on your sidebar! You can grab the code from the “ebook” page. let me know if you have any problems with it.
THRILLED you will be joining us in memorizing Romans 8! Be sure to join in on the fun in the Twitter stream with #HideHisWord.
Looking forward to getting to know you better through this challenge!
Laura, I never told you at Relevant, but you totally blessed me with your “talk,” or uh, preachin’. Seriously. Kindred spirits is right. Praying His blessing on the ministry to which He’s called you. We’re honored you would come along side Savoring Living Water. Much love.
I’m in!
I’m in!
I want to give this a try! This chapter is such a great one to hold onto for life.
Totally scared to do this but I am also totally in! I know God has called me to take this step of faith and obedience! Thanks so much for the encouragement and resources!
I am going to join you. :)
I will join you :)
Count me in! But I think I’m doing the NIV version. Excited to do this!!
I’m in!! : ) I so need this!
I’m in — looking forward to the challenge!!
I would to have the encouragement to do this!
Thanks, Gail
this sounds awesome! i am so in! i have been praying for a challenge! here it is!
this sounds awesome! been praying for a challenge! here it is!
Thanks for the opportunity, encouragement and resources. I’m in!
Count me in! Gonna give this a go!
Okay…second comment, but now I’m rethinking about which version to memorize.
I don’t know much about the ESV. Have you written a post about this? I’m curious why you prefer it….
Looking forward to this challenge!
Hi Tracy! I had written a post but it has been archived with the old site. Here is a link to the ESV site where they have loads of information about the history of the translation, and the leaders who trust and use it.
I love using the ESV because it is a great word-for-word translation, perfect for in depth study. I also use it because almost all of the teachers I trust, and listen to the most, teach from it.
I’m in!
I’m going to try to jump in and join y’all! Thanks for the motivation!
I’m in :)
I’m in! I just memorized Psalm 143. It was my first attempt to ever memorize something that long and I LOVED it! Life changing too. So excited!
I really enjoy the challenge of memorizing long pieces of scripture and am joining the challenge!
Count me in! I have a few friends that will be doing it with me irl, too. I’ll encourage them to let you know. Yay!
I’m innnnnn!!!!!
Would love to join. Looking forward to it!!!
Would love to join. Really looking forward to it!!
Would love to join. Looking forward to it
Already on my heart to memorize, and now in community! Thank you!
I KNOW I need to do something like this but I don’t really want to… :) Just being honest! It seems overwhelming with having two little kids at home but the mind is a powerful battleground. I need to fill it with God’s word to me! Thanks for doing this!
Thank so much for all that u do. You have been such an inspiration to me. I am doing the Abiding In Christ study and reading Savoring. . .awesome! So count me in on this. It may be too much for me right now, but I am going to try anyway.
I’m so thankful I got to meet you at Relevant, and am delighted to join you in memorizing Romans 8! Thank you for inviting us to do this in community. I’m hoping some of my friends from church will join us too!!
So excited!
Is it too late to join? Im on twitter @jaymienachole
Not too late, Jaymie! You should have received an email from me tonight, if you didn’t, let me know!
I’m in…did I officially tell you that? LOL
my husband and i are in.. we’ve been married 3.5 years and this is the first time memorizing scripture together (and we haven’t done any memorizing individually either aside from 4 verses i did the past 2 months). we have a big move to another city dec 1st.. so we may be rocky until we get settled. but i also believe it can help us to stress less.. by keeping scripture in the front of our minds. thanks for organizing this…
I would love to join, Katie. This is an excellent challenge. There have been so many times where I am grateful for the Scripture that I have memorized — when I don’t have a Bible in front of me, and yet the truth is imprinted in my heart.
Thank you. And so excited!
My 7 year old daughter, Savannah, and I are excited about participating!
My 7-year-old daughter, Savannah, and I are excited about participating in this!
I would love to join in the challenge!! So awesome!
Please count me in!
I am in! (plus my hubby & daughter)
I would love to try to do this! Count me in!
Kelli! So excited to see you joining in!
I cannot tell you how excited I am about beginning this study. I participated in the Philippians Study and the Abiding in the Fruit(Fall Study) and they were amazing and transforming to my life. I am not finished with the last one. Slow and steady,but delays didn’t stop me, I would just continue on where I left off. Thank you for putting this together. I am sharing with my friends. GOD’S WORD IS POWERFUL and BRINGS LIFE to ME.
I’m in! I need this new challenge…my Bible study and scripture memory have definitely slacked off recently. I’m really excited!
I am so excited to be a part of this. Thank you ladies for encouraging us.
Im in!
Yes! So glad to journey together in this!
I have a hard time remembering simple things sometimes let alone memorizing, but I’ll give it a go.
May the Lord receive great glory from his people feasting on his word! I’m in!
YES, add me to your group! I have always had difficulty memorizing scripture so I am hoping to get some awesome ideas to use as we memorize Romans 8.
God Bless,
I’ll be joining in this is my first time memorizing scripture and I’m going to try to drag my husband along for the ride!
I just saw this today and I am going to join in!
Count me in!
I’m so excited to find your wonderful blog and community of ‘memorizers’. Count me in!
Ok, I am in. I’ve really struggled because I have trouble with memorization. I am longing to accomplish this so I’m diving in!
I am so excited about this! This will be my first time memorizing large portions of scripture since high school. I’m so blessed that I’ll have a community to do it with! Good thing it begins with one of my favorite go to scriptures for an easy start!
Yay JaQuinn!!!
I want to do this, hopefully it will inspire me to get Romans 8 into my heart where it should be… :-)
Okay I’m in! I need the accountability!! Thank you all for doing this. We didn’t get to meet at Relevant :( Too many people and too few days.
I hear you, Cyndi! I think after day 2 of Relevant I was over meeting anyone else! My heart was already so full from great conversations…and my mind completely filled with names!
Excited you are joining in!
I’m in! I need this so much!!
I’m in… Thanks for this challenge & growing experience!
I’m in, too! I’m loving seeing so many of my Relevant ’11 girls here!
This is EXACTLY what I need. So thrilled to have stumbled across this site!!!!!
Yay, I’m going to join you! I’m so excited! I have NEVER memorized an entire chapter.
I am following you.
Thank you for doing this!
i am joining along with a few other friends!!!! VERY EXCITED!
I’m in and following! :)
I’m in! Thank you for all the great resources!
Katie, can I ask why ESV is your translation of choice? That’s one I don’t know much about. Thanks!
Hi Ellie! Here is info about the ESV:
It is a great version for studying, as it is a solid, word-for-word translation.
You are welcome to memorize any version you would like, but all the resources will be in the ESV.
Let me know if you have any more questions!
So excited to hide this scripture in my heart!
I’m reading Romans right now for my study time, so…I think it’s a ‘sign’. lol! I’m in. Hope I can do it.
Count me in!
I know I am starting late, but I need to do this! Thank you for enabling us to hide His word in our hearts!
I’m in (and THANKS!)
I know I’m jumping in on this late, but this morning God put it on my heart to memorize Romans 8. A quick google search and I came across this challenge that just started – what timing!! So excited for this!
I’m in!! Is it too late? Been looking for a plan like this as I’ve been convicted to memorize scripture for so long. Started and quit several times. This seems doable.
Not too late, just jump on in!
I’m excited to do this with a community of people.
I’m in! I’m gonna post the verses on my bathroom mirror in hopes that my hubby will join with me!
This 50 year old Aussie bloke has been thinking about memorising that wonderful chapter for some time. I know I’m a month late – but I’ll give it a go too starting tonight. I recently memorised the little book of Jude (KJV) and that has been so rewarding to my Christian growth. Bless you all for this God-glorifying challenge. My challenge tonight will be to decide on a version to memorise (KJV, ESV or NIV2011)
Welcome, Michael! Just jump on in!
I’m late, but count me in! Working on verse 3 now.
Im in…really looking forward to this!
I’m in…hoping its not to late. But I am really looking forward to it!
I am in and even though I am joining late, I am very excited to begin memorizing Romans 8. I want to succeed in doing this & just had an epiphany that God wants me to succeed as well, that He wants me to overcome my “laziness” and that he loves me and nothing can separate me from His love (Romans 8:38)! Thank you for this community and the resources!
Verses 1-8 seemed fairly easy to memorize, but 9-11 are kicking my patootie. Any ideas to help me through these three verses. I am behind but not giving up.
Awesome! I am so excited to see you excited about Romans 8! A couple years ago i challenged my family to read it every day for a month! Really a help to get you walking in the Spirit! I will try!
Hi !,
I just found this site early this morning. The link was on the 1,000 gifts blog. I am excited ! I have been wanting to memorize some Scripture but have not got started yet.
Probably I will do Romans 8 – I love that chapter and already know a few verses in there by heart.
I am 54 and sometimes my memory is not the greatest- I think due to chronic pain issues and pain medications. But I know I can do this with the help of the Lord.
Is there anyone doing Romans 8 now ? It would be nice to have some community with it.
eaglegirl/Carol A.
I am just going to start memorizing and have a question. When memorizing individual verses also memorizing the address makes sense.
But when doing a whole chapter, like Romans 8 there is such a flow. What do you/others recommend about memorizing the verse number in this case ?
eaglegirl/Carol A.
Please help me join. I Know my Lord is calling me to do this. I’m so excited to start. I can’t wait.
I’m so excited to join – please count me in. Not sure what to fill in, in Website?
So looking forward to imprinting His Word on my word.
I am so excited to see you here !! yipeee. I am working on memorizing Phillipians 4:4-9 first then will get onto Romans 8.
I have been collecting blogs with info on memorizing. At some point soon I plan to post a discussion on PICI about memorization.
We should chat about it later.
Carol Adams
I wish I would have found this site earlier. This is almost over but I would also like to join in late!
I only found this site recently also. God had been working on me to memorize His word.
Right now I am almost done with Phillipians 4:4-9. I used that to get my feet wet and it is a portion of Scriptue I have ‘kind of almost known’ for years. Not I am close to really knowing it.
So I am joining in late too- so we are late together !
In a few days or so I will start on Romans, but I want to be sure I have that part of Phillipians down first.
God sure knew I REALLY needed what those verses in Phillipains said!
Thanks Carol!
It will be nice to have some company! Blessings as you complete Phillipians.
Hello All !
Our group “Peace In Chronic Illness. PICI finished our first week on Romans 8:1-2. Lots of activity on the site with the group deni named “Think on These Things”
Today we start on Romand 8:3- since 3 is a long verse.
Our group finished week one- Romans 8:1-2 Lots of excitement !
We will start on verse 3 today.
Peace In Chronic Illness- PICI name the memory group “Think on these things”.
Thanks for getting all this started.
I started memorizing Romans 8 NASB on 14 Sep 2012. I have memorized some of the verses already so it is not from scratch. I wrote the verses on 3×5 cards, front and back and laminated them together so I can flip through the cards. I carry them in my shirt pocket or back pocket.