We don’t need an official calendar holiday in order to use the gift of words well. You might not even celebrate Christmas, but if we believe the account of the Babe in the manger, we must be inspired to share the good tidings.
Christ belongs in our conversations. We’ve talked about some of the challenges of having the story of the Word who became flesh heard in our modern times. We’ve talked about using God’s gift of words to praise Him, and we’ve considered how to tame our tongues and how to take care and caution in sharing responsibly in the social media age. But how do we use our words to naturally weave Jesus into our conversations? The sight of manger scenes, talk of peace on earth, and sounds of Silent Night open doors of opportunity to talk about the Prince of Peace, regardless of our take on the Christmas season.
If Jesus can find a place in an unlikely manger, it shouldn’t be so hard to find a place in the chatter of those who know Him. A simple, but intentional, question or comment may be the pivotal point to bring up “the Jesus” in our conversations.
Christ in our conversations
- Q: So do you have a favorite image that says “Christmas” to you?
- A: I love to imagine the manger scene. It’s hard to grasp that God became a helpless baby for me, but He did. Have you ever wondered why Jesus had to become a man?
- Q: What’s your favorite Christmas carol?
- A: I’ve sung a lot of them without even thinking. Recently, I paid attention to O Holy Night. “Long lay the world in sin and error pining ’til He appeared and the soul felt His worth.” I thought about how I was pining away for something to bring me hope before I knew the worth Jesus brings to my life.
- Q: So after Christmas comes the New Year. Do you have hopes for the year ahead?
- A: I’d love to pray about that for you. God says that if we give God the right place in our lives, He will direct our paths. I’ll ask Him to show you what good things He has for you.
Some day, our friend or relative may come to know Jesus as their personal Savior. While we’re rejoicing, they might be wondering why we didn’t speak up and turn our common conversations to spiritual things, life-changing things. News that the Word became flesh and lived among us, full of grace and truth (John 1:14).
“but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,” (1 Peter 3:15 ESV).
When we use our gift of words to share the true events of the coming of Christ, we honor Him as holy. It’s not as complicated or frightening as we often make it. After all, the Word in us gives us hope, and that’s something amazing to talk about!
(Here is a printable sheet of more examples and reminders to help us include Christ in our conversations this Christmas and in the New Year.)
Do you have a way that works for you to turn conversations to Christ?
Good reminder to have Him in all our thoughts and conversations, Julie. Thank you!
I need that regular reminder.