I look back on 2011 and have many regrets. There are words I wish I could take back; choices I would like to change, but I can’t. There are habits I hoped to establish; goals I had planned to achieve, but I didn’t.
It would be a mistake to look at my failures and, through guilt-motivation, set out to try harder this new year.
Trying harder may work for a while but, come February, most of us will find ourselves “two steps back,” discouraged and defeated.
By Grace Through Faith
Though I cannot change the past, I do have hope for change for the future. It is through the same great truths we experienced in our first moment of life with Christ.
It is by God’s grace, through my faith, that I can experience life change.
The focus in the Bible, over and over again, is not on our works, but on God’s grace and our faith. Yes, our deeds are important, and as we grow in Christ, our actions should and will look differently a year from now; but the change we want to see in our lives—true life-change—comes only through a grace-filled work of the Holy Spirit in us, as we abide in Christ.
We see this beautiful picture of faith in the grace of God bringing forth righteousness in Abraham:
That is why [righteousness] depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his offspring—not only to the adherent of the law but also to the one who shares the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all…No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. That is why his faith was “counted to him as righteousness.” (Romans 4:16-22 ESV)
Living Fully Convinced
Friends, will you join me in a new pursuit? To not to let my plans for more quiet times, a better prayer life, or more self-control trump my pursuit of growing strong in my faith. To make my new-year’s goals less oriented toward becoming a better person, and more toward knowing God in bigger ways.
To focus on becoming fully convinced that God is able, instead of trying to prove that I am the one who is able.
Let’s enter into this new year with a new resolution. Not one of trying harder, but one of believing better.
Here is a wrap-up of the Believing Better Series:
- Success in the Christian life is not about trying harder.
- As I focus on trusting that God knows, God cares, and God works, the burden of worry is lifted.
- Moving from knowing to believing takes me from being a hearer to a doer.
- Belief is choosing to say with conviction that He will provide, even when I’m faced with a season of waiting.
- Believing God’s promises sets me free from fear and gives me confidence. His truth has power over fear.
- A big faith will not make me believe better. But faith in my Big God will.
- Believing better means understanding that it’s not about what I have done. It’s about Him.
- My belief in God is not proven genuine by my efforts but by intentionally keeping in step with His Spirit.
Just wanted to tell you how much I’m enjoying this series….and your blog in general! One of my goals this year is to move from “blog stalker” to someone who actually comments from time to time! Thank you for your encouragement.
Happy New Year!
Thank you, Tracy! It has been so fun getting to know you through the Romans 8 Facebook page! Thanks for reading, your encouraging words, and for making the Word a priority in your life!
“To make my new-year’s goals less oriented toward becoming a better person, and more toward knowing God in bigger ways.”
Katie, I love those words! Thank you for all of your encouragement this year. This has been an interesting year for me. Definitely one of growth. I look forward to what God does in my life in 2012. Take care and be blessed my friend!
Thank you Rusheika! I’ve missed “hanging” with you in the Twitter stream. Appreciate you, and your commitment to the Word!
What a blessing this Believing Better series has been! I look forward to reading more here this year, and hopefully another Bible Study will be coming soon :) Abiding Fruit was a great one. Thanks for taking the time to keep this work going here on this blog!
Thank you for your encouragement, Naomi! I’ve enjoyed this series as well. Hope you will be joining us for the Run to Him study!
Thank you for posting this series, which has GREATLY encouraged me to persevere during some very overwhelming days. I want so much to live a life characterized by FAITH instead of frustration & fear. How reassuring to know that I’m not alone – in the struggle AND the desire to fully trust The Lord.
Praise be to God for His Word, His Spirit who instructs us, His Son whose power is at work within us, and for the work He’s doing in/thru His children.
I am so glad that we are not alone in our struggles, and it ia encouragement to see the faith of others. Thankful He has brought you encouragement at the right time.
Thanks for reading!