The last time we shared a children’s prayer sheet we focused on a list of people and situations to keep in mind to pray for at any time. Our last sheet was a static sheet that can be filled out once and slowly added to.
The daily prayer sheet can be used to create a prayer journal with a new sheet for each day.
Talk through the prayer page with your child when you first introduce it. The list follows the basics ACTS model:
- Adoration (worship)
- Confession (confessing sins and asking forgiveness)
- Thanksgiving (thanking God)
- Supplication (making requests)
Here is a child friendly way to explain the categories:
- I love you because…
- There are so many reasons to praise God! This line is a great place to list some.
- Please forgive me for…
- Confessing our sins and asking for forgiveness renews our hearts
- Thank you for…
- We want to develop the habit of being thankful at a very young age, because thanksgiving is obedience!
- Please bless…
- Ask for God’s blessing on someone you care about
- Please help my friend…
- This is called intercessory prayer – praying for the needs of others. Who is needy in your life today?
- Please help me to…
- We pray for others, and we also pray for God to help us to grow. What are you struggling with?
Download the “My Daily Prayers” sheet

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