Has our series this month encouraged you to check and further develop your theology? It has definitely encouraged me! As we discussed in the introduction to this month’s topic, our theology affects the way we think, the decisions we make, the words we say, and more. That’s why sound theology is so important! Establishing our theology soundly results in fruitful growth and great joy!

“When our theology isn’t right, we can’t know God well. And we don’t know God well, we can’t understand Him or what our role and position in relation to Him should be.” -Ali
To Help us Identify False Teachers and False Doctrine:
“Being in God’s word for ourselves and relying on the Holy Spirit for enlightenment will allow us to discern what is right from what is wrong, truth from lies, and the genuine Gospel from the many, many false gospels that are being proclaimed today.” -Kelli
To Believe God’s Worthy of Sharing:
“The more we know love, the more it spills out of us and onto others. …Knowing God matters. Not just for our own souls. But also in how we interact with others. Let’s know God as accurately as we can. Let’s worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). Then we’ll believe He’s worthy of sharing.” -Lisa
To Learn the Formula for Becoming Like Jesus:
“…sound theology matters is because it is through sound theology that we become more like Jesus. It is through the study of Him that we become like Him. …Open your Bible and get to know Him. But don’t do it just to know facts. Instead, do it to know Him.” -Lindsey
To Understand the Theology/Trust Partnership:
“…theology and trust are partners. We need both to thrive and grow in His example. The more we trust, the more we learn, the more we lean into His wisdom, the more our eyes open to His peace (Philippians 4:7) and His love.” -Caroline
To Stand Firm… In Daily Life, When Culture Shifts, and In Spiritual Battles:
“Theology mattered in my life because I needed to be able to discern what was true from what was not true, and make life decisions accordingly. …Sound theology helps us navigate the smallest moments of our lives because it gives us a framework in which to process every detail.” -Patti
There are many more reasons why sound theology matters than the ones we covered this month: to understand what God has done, to understand what He won’t do, to know how God wants us to function as Believers, and the list goes on. (Can you think of more reasons? Add them in the comments!)
Theology matters. And it isn’t a dry, difficult subject fit only for scholars, but it’s for all of us… women, wives, moms, grandmothers, Sunday school teachers, mentors, and friends. Studying and knowing God is a lifelong, life-giving pursuit that yields sweet fruit as we abide in Him and grow to be like Jesus! We are all placed exactly where God wants us; let’s shine our light for Him strongly, and accompanied by a sound theology.
[…] first, we need sound theology, then we can have a sound practice. The aim of the Christian walk is to become like […]