We focused on some disheartening things like:
- Anger. Do you give vent to your anger? I did. But God convicted me and revealed a solution: Him! He forgives, helps, and strengthens us to do better.
- Adultery. Kelli shares her story with us about how it feels to be “that” Christian– the one who’s been divorced and remarried. She reminds us that when Jesus forgives, our sin is forgiven completely.
- Worry. How can we silence it? Lisa gave us 3 words to help quiet our worry and reminds us of the benefits of intentional prayer.
- Unbelief. Caroline showed us how unbelief comes from lack of faith and trust. But when we reconnect with God, He graciously fill us with wholeness that strengthens our faith.
- Pride. Patti reminded us that pride puffs us up like inflatable beach toys… filled with nothing. But God’s grace pricks our balloon hearts.
We hope that you walk away marveling at the sweet grace of God that convicts us, leads us to repentance, and covers that sin completely.
We started the series off with a verse from Proverbs. Let’s finish with it, too. Read it slowly and let it sink in deep. Let it remind you of how blessed you are because of Christ’s gift of blood that washes away all your sin.
“Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man against whom the LORD counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.” Psalm 32:1-2
Rest in His grace, friends. …His grace to convict, help us avoid sin, His Word that arms us to fight, and the precious Sacrifice of His Son. All grace…
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