Have you thought of this? God gives each Believer gifts so we can minister to others; therefore, we’re all in the ministry. I remember when that realization was brand new to me. I was quite surprised! Please understand, I don’t say this to diminish the importance of those who work in full-time ministry, but to point out that each of us should be serving The Lord and ministering to others according to the spiritual gifts He’s given. And that, dear friend, makes you a minister.
I love Patti’s words in her introduction to our series this month. “His purpose in giving spiritual gifts is for us to use them for His glory, and for the good of others.” But how does it look to glorify God and benefit others by teaching when you’re not in an official ministerial position?
What about Teaching?
Opportunities abound for teaching others about God, His Word, His love, and grace. We have both a hungry world and a hungry Body of Christ. As Kathy said, “According to the Bible, spiritual gifts are the way the Holy Spirit chooses to work through an individual to accomplish God’s purposes (1 Cor 12:6).” It is God’s desire that Believers follow the Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20). As a result, we’re all presented with opportunities to reach out to those around us and teach others about God.
Are you a Teacher?
All Christians may be called to teach at times, but some may have the spiritual gift of teaching. What might that look like?
- Do you hunger and thirst to understand God’s Word clearly so that you can explain it to others?
- Are you a researcher who loves to dig deeply and can’t help but share what you’ve learned?
- Do you get excited about the opportunity to talk with others about what God has shown you?
- Are you the kind of person who loves putting together and leading lesson plans or activities?
- Have others complimented your ability to communicate and to help them understand?
- Do you have a passion for teaching?
If the above questions describe you, you may very well be given the spiritual gift of teaching.
How and When to Teach?
If you have the spiritual gift for teaching, remember that your gifts are not necessarily bound by the walls of a classroom or a church building. Jesus, our Master Teacher, taught in both the Temple and the outdoors. He used any opportunity presented to Him whether it was on a mount, during mealtime, or beside the sea. I believe He was embodying Deut 6:7, our command to teach diligently when sitting “in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” And teaching doesn’t always look like one might think. Remember, Jesus called His disciples with a command to “Follow me.” Teaching is often done by demonstration. Living out your beliefs can be some of the best teaching others will ever encounter. In other words, see every moment as a God-given opportunity to share what He’s taught you. Your disciples may be your children on a walk to the park, the friend curious about your beliefs, or the Sunday school class you’re leading.
Why Teach?
Teaching brings Glory to God by proclaiming His righteous, loving deeds. The results of teaching may range anywhere from salvation to edification. The Bible is also clear that many false teachers have gone out to serve themselves and deceive the innocent. (See 1 John 4:1, Rom 16:17, 18) Those who are called to teach should do so joyfully, remembering the responsibility of teaching accurately. This is why gifted teachers love digging deeply into God’s Word and doing research.
I’ll leave you with the following words from John Piper:
“When it comes to people being saved, it all hangs on what they believe. …Teaching is serious business.”
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“What does the spiritual gift of teaching look like?”
“Opportunities abound for teaching others about God, His Word, His love, and grace.“
“See every moment as a God-given opportunity to share what He’s taught you.”
I am so thankful for the godly teachers who have influenced me. The sweet couple who taught me how to do inductive bible study set me on a journey that truly changed my life. That was the beginning of my passion for the Word of God!
And now the Lord uses me as a teacher. It is such a privilege, but also one that I do not take lightly. Fear and trembling, in fact (James 3:1). He is gracious and so good to bring scripture to mind over and over in the situations in which He places me as teacher. It is His Word that instructs, His Spirit that interprets and makes clear. I am thankful indeed!