Living Hope
“The hope that we have in and through Jesus Christ has power, and gives us strength. The more we fix our hope on Him, the more our hope grows!” – Patti
God is Our Hope
Biblical “hope is a confident belief and expectation in the truths and promises of God.”
“our hope (our confident belief and expectation in the truths and promises of God) is safe and has a firm foundation because God is who He says He is and all of His promises are true.” – Ali
Hope in Jesus is Hope that Purifies
“Hope in Jesus is the only hope that will purify any of us. This is the hope that allows us to confidently say “Yes, I am a mess, but when Jesus comes I won’t be ashamed. He already knows everything about me. I’ve brought everything into the light as He’s asked me to (1 John 1:5-9) and He still promises to claim me as His!” – Kelli
Get Your Hopes Up – Gifts in Your Future (Proverbs 23:18)
“Thankfully, God does know our future (Jeremiah 29:11). And because He is good, He has good plans in place for what’s next (Isaiah 46:4). Even when bad things happen alongside them.” – Lisa (Lisa also created a free download of Hope in Future Grace scriptures!)
The Difference Between Hoping FOR Something and Hoping IN Someone
“I was placing my hope in God doing something, instead of simply placing my hope in Him . . . the hope God desires we cling to is the hope that He will be with us through our hardships and the hope that He will use whatever we are going through for our good and His glory.” – Lindsey
When Hope for Healing Resurrected
“And in the midst of it all, God will take each trial, each pinprick and injection, each high and low, each decision to eat or abstain, to move or rest – He will take every thing and work them together in His tapestry of good purpose, not only for my life, but for those He allows me to touch as well. My fear that hope was vain was a lie. A lie from my enemy, not a truth from my Father. – Courtney (guest writer and author of Chronic Healing)
Hope in God’s Steadfast Love
“Hesed love is binding. A covenant is a legal transaction. God’s love is steadfast because it can not be broken. This is love that hope can be safely placed in, because by definition God will not remove His love from us while we are in a covenant.” – Patti
Lord, we thank you for blessing us with hope. We know you are faithful, and that hope in You does not disappoint. We look to eternity with joy knowing that You are our living hope, and that no matter what may come while we walk this earth, we are Your own, and Your steadfast love will not fail. Amen.

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