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While we are each in different seasons of our lives, we are all called impact the children around us for God’s glory!
We have enjoyed bringing you posts for this month’s topic, “Let the Children Come.” Have you seen them all?
- For those with teenagers, Teri-Lynne shared 5 Guidelines for Helping Your Teenager Abide in the Word
- Kathy showed how Timothy’s grandmother Lois set the example of godly instruction in 4 Ways to be Like Nana Lois
- We are thankful for those who linked up to Share Your Tips to Help Children Abide in the Word
- As fledglings turn to adulthood and leave the nest, Lisa listed ways for parents to encourage young adults in Almost-Grown: How to Keep the Faith
- Julie shared a clever way to help children remember bible verses using familiar songs in Truth for kids to tunes we know
- Patti offered five ideas to help children face fears with scripture in Helping Children Who Fear ~ 5 Bible-Based Tips
- Katie Johnson encouraged parents to prepare their kids by helping them memorize scripture in Raising Kingdom Builders {with Scripture memory}
- Caroline shared special bible time tips for special kids in 4 Tips for Including Kids with Special Needs in Family Bible Time
Watch for a new monthly “Let the Children Come” post, starting in June, where we’ll continue to share tips and ideas for helping the young people in your life abide in God’s Word.
Did you enjoy this series? Do you have specific questions or topics you’d like to see covered in our “Let the Children Come” posts in future months? Leave a comment here!
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